Our beginning go back in time up to 1898. We started our International trade activity in 1910 and becoming very soon one of the leading Spanish companies in the market.

  • Origins, Olive Storage: At same place we are located today, it was built an olive storage to accommodate the production of the surrounding olive farms.
  • First olive export to USA: Our first shipment took place in the early 1910’s to USA. Olives, placed in wooden barrels, were loaded at Sevilla’s port.
  • BEATRICE FOODS Joint Venture: A joint venture was established a joint venture between the Spanish owners and the US multinational corporation Beatrice Foods Inc. A packaging plant was built on site.
  • First Pitting/Stuffing machines: The R&D+I department developed the first pimiento paste process in the world. This advanced technique was copied since Interoliva did not patent the invention.
  • CARLOS JIMENEZ acquires 100% of INTEROLIVA’s stock: The company had different ownerships until Carlos Jimenez acquired the company. He developed a renewal process of the company, especially in quality, technology and R&D+I.
  • Ball Stuffing™ First Production: The R&D+I department developed the unique Ball Stuffing™ technique. This technology was patented worldwide.
  • Quality Certifications: Among the years, Interoliva achieved the highest quality certifications: BRC, IFS, Organic Certification, ISO9001, Kosher, etc.
  • Since January 12th of 2016, SAINBERG OLIVES COMPANY participates in INTEROLIVA’s shares through an increase in capital.


The company is characterized by a long-term business approach which facilitates our commitment to sustainability. Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) involves the entire value chain. Accordingly, through sustainable practices we respect our natural resources, our people and our local region, and in so doing so meet the demands of consumers and customers.

Major environmental milestones achieved include:
A 10% reduction in water consumption.
A 12% reduction in CO2 emissions, by reducing fuel consumption.
A 9% reduction in energy consumption, per kilogram of olives packed.

Environmental management is both a responsibility and a vocation. The execution of this policy is based on an Environmental Management system in accordance with the ISO 14001:2004 standard which was established in 2009. Advances made since then, and several environmental awareness campaigns for employees and suppliers, have enabled the company to achieve major environmental milestones.

The company is committed to its human resource management and actions for the benefit of society in general. These social actions include various initiatives aimed at providing food for persons in need such as several non-profit organizations, with which we have been cooperating for many years to provide food for underprivileged persons.

We have also developed our own ethical standards, covering fair labor practices, transparency and anti-corruption policies.

As part of our effort to contribute to the quality of life of our customers by offering healthy and quality products, we are working on the reduction of sodium and unnecessary additives without a significant impact on product flavor and quality.


The mission of Internacional Olivarera, S.A. is to satisfy our customers’ needs while providing them with the highest quality natural food products.


SATISFY: To satisfy our customers’ and consumers’ needs.

OFFER: To offer high added value products and services.

ASSURE: To assure maximum quality in all facets of production and service.

RESPECT: To respect and build trust with our suppliers, customers and consumers.

PROTECT: To protect the environment and demonstrate good use of natural resources.

INNOVATE: To innovate in new products development as well as processes and services.

MOTIVATE: To motivate and develop our team of employees, in all aspects.

WORK: To work with the finest quality natural products.

COMMUNICATE: To communicate an apply our code of ethics as it applies to diverse culture, people and ideas.

CREATE: To create an atmosphere of excellence, competitiveness and efficiency in all areas of our business.


Our quality assurance system objectives are to ensure conformance with safety, legal and specified quality parameters; and to satisfy our customers’ prospects in safety, quality and price.

1. Hazard analysis.

HACCP (hazard analysis critical control point) identifies potential hazards at all stages of production and the control required to minimize or eliminate the risk presented.

2. Quality plan.

The quality plan is a simple plan, which summarizes all controls fundamental to the safe preparation of Interoliva’s products. It shows the product process flow with the critical control points and parameters for safety and quality.

3. The review of specifications and technical documents.

4. The quality assurance of raw material.

5. Product identification and traceability.

6. Good manufacturing practice.

7. Process monitoring and product analysis.

8. Calibration.

9. Status of in-process or partly processed material.

10. The handling of out-of-specification material or product.

11. Corrective action.

12. Storage and retrieval of process and analytical data.

13. Internal audits.

14. Yearly management review.

The purpose of the management review is to study the adequacy and effectiveness of the QA system in relation to:

  • The objectives and quality policy.
  • The requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.
  • Changes in the market conditions, regulations and technology.

The management review may lead to:

  • Amendments in the structure of the QA system.
  • Amendments in procedures, documents, records, etc.
  • Reconsider the quality policy and quality objectives.
  • Allocate the resources to ensure quality.



This document, approved by the Board of Directors of INTEROLIVA, contains the general principles of governance and professional conduct applicable to every person employed by INTEROLIVA and establishes the foundations of our Company’s corporate culture.

INTEROLIVA’s main goal is to produce and sell Mediterranean food products that delight and help preserve the health of the consumers, both in our domestic Spanish market as well as in every one of the countries in which they are offered for sale.

INTEROLIVA intends to preserve a relationship based on trust with all the social and economic stakeholders, that is, with all the people, institutions or Companies whose intervention is required to make our goal possible. These include our customers and the consumers of our products, our suppliers, our employees, the social agents interacting with our organization and our shareholders.

We propose and promote an ethical behavior that becomes the foundation of this relationship based on trust between INTEROLIVA and the above-mentioned stakeholders. As members of the INTEROLIVA organization, we consider that the reputation and good name of our Company is an essential intangible asset that facilitates this relationship.


This Code of Conduct is based upon the three following fundamental pillars:

The Ethical Principles that must guide any behavior or action taken by INTEROLIVA in general, as they may relate to any of our stakeholders among which we work to develop a relationship based on trust.
The Expected Behavior of INTEROLIVA’s employees, in particular, as they relate to each one of those stakeholders within their professional activities.
The Implementation Process that will strive to establish the training, evaluation and control systems to effectively deploy this Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct applies to every one of INTEROLIVA’s employees and associates. Furthermore, INTEROLIVA will promote among its suppliers and business partners the application of Ethical Principles consistent with those included in this Code.

This Code is applicable both in Spain and abroad, always taking into consideration the cultural, social and economic differences of the different countries in which INTEROLIVA operates.

This Code of Conduct must be made known and available to all employees through the communications channels used to access the information relevant to their activities within the Company. In particular, it will be available through the corporate intranet portal and INTEROLIVA’s web page.


4.1 Strict compliance with the applicable laws and respect for human rights.

Every employee will comply with all applicable laws, including any law, standard or regulation that is applicable in the countries to which our products are exported. In accordance with this, every action taken by INTEROLIVA or its employees will be in strict compliance with the law and respectful with human rights. INTEROLIVA will adopt all means necessary to guarantee respect for fundamental rights, equal opportunity and non-discrimination, protection against child labor and any other principle included in the UN ‘s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Global Compact’s universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anticorruption.

Within their professional activity, every person or entity that cooperates with INTEROLIVA must respect the applicable laws, this Code of Conduct and the internal rules and procedures of INTEROLIVA.

4.2 Quality and excellence are our foundation.

INTEROLIVA orients its activities toward satisfying its customer’s needs, following up on all requests that may contribute to an improvement in the quality of the products or services we provide. It is also for this reason that INTEROLIVA’s efforts in R&D, marketing, manufacturing, packaging and logistics target the development of products that are differentiated by their excellent quality standard and customer service.

4.3 INTEROLIVA’s name and reputation as our best calling card.

INTEROLIVA has a solid reputation thanks to its ample experience and a team that is knowledgeable, loyal and committed to the Company and the values and know-how that make up the Company’s culture. Every one of our professionals must participate in the endeavor to maintain and even strengthen INTEROLIVA’s prestige and reputation.

4.4 Protecting and developing our People.

The people that make up INTEROLIVA’s team, our employees, are a key success factor.

INTEROLIVA promotes the professional development of its people, considering a balance between the Company’s needs and the needs and expectations of the employees. Similarly, INTEROLIVA promotes the permanent adaptation and development of the skills and competencies of its team.

Particularly, prevention and work related safety is a high priority for the Company, that is why INTEROLIVA is committed to deploy the means necessary to eliminate or mitigate work related hazards for every person working for the Company or within its premises.

4.5 Respect and commitment with the community and the environment.

INTEROLIVA is firmly committed to the protection of the environment and that is why it undertakes its activities under the premise of minimizing any negative environmental impact and avoiding contamination. INTERLIVA invests in research, development and innovative activities to improve its processes and promotes training and awareness among its employees about adequate environmental management.

4.6. Confidentiality and transparency in INTEROLIVA’s business relationships.

All of INTEROLIVA’s professionals will use the information received during the course of their activity with care, preserving its integrity and confidentiality and minimizing the risks of its improper use both internally and externally.

4.7. Managing Conflicts of Interest.

INTEROLIVA believes that the relationship with its employees must be based on loyalty stemming from common interests and principles. Conflicts of interest arise when personal interests of an employee or officer are, directly or indirectly, different or in conflict with the interests of the Company, they interfere with the proper discharge of their duties or involve them personally in a transaction with the Company.

Whenever possible employees and officers must avoid conflicts of interest. When such a conflict arises or an employee is faced with a situation that could result in a conflict of interest, this must be immediately communicated to his or her line manager or to the head of Human Resources.

INTEROLIVA has a Policy to help identify and manage conflicts of interest and establish the appropriate communication channels for these matters.

4.8. Respectful and strong Competitions.

INTEROLIVA is committed to respect free competition in the benefit of customers and consumers, we will comply strictly with antitrust laws in every market in which we operate and avoid any conduct that could constitute collusion, abuse of dominant position or any other that may restrict competition.

INTEROLIVA is committed to compete fairly and will not use information or publicity that could be deceitful or denigrating to the competition.

Infringing anti-trust laws in the markets and regions where INTEROLIVA offers its products for sale, in particular, the United States and Europe, can have severe consequences for the Company. Given the complexity of antitrust laws in the different jurisdictions, it is imperative that any contact held with a competitor is checked and approved by the legal department.


El Consejo de Administración de INTERNACIONAL OLIVARERA, S.A. (la “Sociedad/la Compañía”) tiene atribuida la responsabilidad de formular la estrategia y aprobar las Políticas corporativas de la Sociedad, así como de organizar los sistemas de control interno. En el ejercicio de dichas responsabilidades, consciente de la importancia fundamental de todos los aspectos relativos a la calidad de sus productos, y en congruencia con los valores de la Sociedad, aprueba la presente actualización de su Política de Calidad.

1. Finalidad.

La finalidad de la Política de Calidad consiste en satisfacer las expectativas de nuestros clientes en sus requerimientos de SEGURIDAD, AUTENTICIDAD, CALIDAD y CULTURA DE LA INOCUIDAD ALIMENTARIA, así como en la MEJORA CONTÍNUA.

2. Principios básicos de actuación.

Para la consecución de dicha finalidad, la Sociedad asume y promueve los siguientes principios básicos que deben presidir todas sus actuaciones:

  1. Asegurar la SEGURIDAD, AUTENTICIDAD, CALIDAD Y CULTURA DE LA INOCUIDAD ALIMENTARIA del producto: significa que éstos deben ser siempre conformes con los requisitos acordados y con toda la legislación vigente, siendo imprescindible que nuestra actuación se ajuste a los requisitos de las Normas UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015, BRC en lo referente a la Gestión de la Calidad y seguridad alimentaria respectivamente.

Para ello, la Dirección de la Sociedad,

  • Planificará los objetivos en consonancia con los riesgos y oportunidades identificados, orientados hacia la mejora continua de nuestros procesos y servicios, compatibilizados con la protección del medio ambiente basada en la prevención y control de la repercusión medioambiental.

  • Pondrá en marcha acciones que aborden y satisfagan los riesgos identificados.

  • Fomentará una cultura dentro de la organización que permita anticiparse a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, asumiendo como objetivo principal la satisfacción de sus expectativas.

2. Asegurar la MEJORA CONTINUA. Para ello la Dirección de la Sociedad,

  • Realizará los estudios y reuniones necesarias para analizar y planificar su consecución.

  • Realizará el seguimiento sistemático de los procesos para detectar y corregir cualquier desviación importante que produzca retrasos respecto de los planes trazados.

  • Se ajustará a los requisitos establecidos relativos al precio, definidos por nuestros clientes.

  • Reducirá al máximo el número de no conformidades, reinspecciones, desajustes y en general todas las actividades que no añaden valor a nuestros productos.

  • Reducirá la variabilidad en nuestra actuación mediante la estandarización de tareas, definición de responsabilidades y la continua verificación de los procesos.

Para alcanzar un mayor grado de definición, el Comité de Calidad elabora anualmente un Plan de Calidad en el que se detallan los objetivos específicos, incluyendo aquellos necesarios para cumplir los requisitos para el producto, período, funciones y niveles relevantes de la organización.